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APA Style Guide: Classical Works

Classical Works


Material Type           In-text Citation              Reference                                                        

Major Greek and Roman classics or classical religious works require an in-text citation only, you do not need to include a full reference in your reference list.                                                         

Classical Greek work, date unknown


(Homer, trans. 1996).


(King James Version).

Give the original author and then the date it was translated.


Give the name of the version you used followed by the word Version.

Classic work, date known

Austen (1813/2003).

Austen, J. (2003). Pride and prejudice. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble Classics.

If you know the date the text was created give the original date as well as the copyright date in-text; use the copyright date of the edition you are using for the full reference at the end of your paper.

Bible Job 2:7-10 (King James Version).

Use the numbers that correspond to the book, chapter, verse, line, or canto for classics rather than the page numbers as these are standard across all versions.