Library patrons can request to borrow items from other libraries if the Columbia College Library does not have it. This process is called Interlibrary Loan (also known as ILL). This service allows you to request items from a different library and have them shipped to our library. Physical items such as books, DVDs, and CDs can take a couple of weeks to arrive, while magazine and journal articles can come as soon as a few days. Follow these steps to request an item:
NOTE: Our agreements with reciprocating libraries allow us to provide this service free of charge. For community patrons, up to three ILL requests will be filled for free per semester. Subsequent ILLs will be filled at $10 per request.
You will then be transferred to the "request form." You only need to fill out the required fields, which are designated with an asterisk.
Once this form is submitted, a member of the library staff will process your request as soon as they can.
**You will be contacted when your requested item becomes available, or if we were not able to get the item.