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Faculty: General Info

Library Faculty/Staff

Brian Greene - Librarian

Luisa Adams - Library Specialist

Katie Riddle- Library Specialist

New Titles

We are continuously adding to our collection. Click on the link below and check out our new title lists:

New Title List

Textbooks on Reserve

The library has a large percentage of the textbooks on course reserve. Most of them are checked out for 2-hours in library-use-only, but there are a select few that students are able to take out overnight, for 3-days or even 1-week. 

Please click on the link below to see if we have your specific textbooks on reserve. The easiest way for faculty to search would be by instructor's name or title. If we do not have your textbook on reserve please contact the reserve desk at 209-588-5258 and we will be glad to help get one added.

Textbooks on Reserve

Loan Periods and Fines

Library materials circulate for a set period of time. Most items such as books movies, music and magazines circulate for 3 weeks. When items are late they are fined accordingly. For more information about our check-out periods and fines please click on the link below:

Complete list of materials and fines

Off-Campus Access

Students and college employees have access to the Columbia College Library's databases from off-campus. When accessing our databases from a remote location you will be prompted for a username and password. Your username will be your six-digit employee number. Your password will be your six digit birthday. 

Off campus patrons can request research assistance from the library via email, phone or by completing our Research Request form

Wireless Access

All Library computers offer full Internet access to be used for educational purposes. In addition, you can access the Internet from your own wireless laptop or mobile device. The network is YCCD and the login information is as follows:

  • Username: student
  • Password: 4wifi

If you see a choice of terminate or connect after entering the password, select connect, then enter the name and password again. Repeat as needed.